In focus – Security Industry

In focus - Security Industry

The security industry in 2022 has over 6,889 businesses contributing $11 billion to the Australian economy. With 153,000 licensed security professionals the security industry is significantly larger than both the Australian police force and defence forces.

The security industry has a significant role to play in responding to domestic, family and sexualised violence. 

The readiness and quality of security provider responses to domestic, family and sexualised violence matters. Every provider. Any place.

Futures Framework Illustrations

Making a meaningful difference

Security providers can make a meaningful difference through their workplace responses and customer/client responses supporting thousands of employees and community members who may need access to information and to support. Informed by lived-experience insights, security providers can strategically refine and evolve how they contribute to a more cohesive ecosystem response.

Explore more in our Futures Framework.

A foundational understanding is essential

Explore the following free (donated) opportunities and resources.

View/share/embed the Introductory Module: Security Industry (50mins) 

View/share/embed the Foundations (45mins) and Foundations Applied (40mins)

Listening | Exploring | Responding | Learning

  • In the 'listening' menu you can explore the lived experience insights.
  • In the 'exploring' menu you can view and read animations and resources informed by lived experience insights. 
  • In the 'responding' menu you can view and read about resources and initiatives designed to uplift responses across the ecosystem.
  • In the 'learning' menu you can view and read resources designed to build on understanding of violence and abuse. 
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