Be a Participant

Message to Participants Collection PDF Cover

'BE A PARTICIPANT' in Insight Exchange

Insight Exchange centres on lived expertise of domestic, family and sexualised violence and gives voice to these experiences. Insight Exchange is designed to inform and strengthen social, service and systemic responses to domestic, family and sexualised violence.

Since inception Insight Exchange has been offering 'Be a participant' interviews which (with consent) are published on the Insight Exchange website. You can explore these published de-identified insights in the Voices of Insight landing page and the Voices of Insight Collection

From mid-April 2024 opportunities to submit new expression of interest to Be a Participant are closed.

Insight Exchange continues to listen to and respond to lived expertise and will communicate new initiatives when they are available.

What have participants said about their experience of participation?

  • "Thanks... just doing that interview and reading it now has really changed my perception again. Im not sure where or how, but I feel different and in a good moving on way." | Participant, 2019
  • "I thought the Insight Exchange interviewer was truly fantastic. She put me at ease, let me guide the conversation and made sure I felt that the space was safe and free from judgement." | Participant, 2020
  • "I found the whole experience incredibly respectful, acknowledging and very supportive." | Participant 2020
  • "I enjoyed participating in the interview, could feel comfortable and secure during the whole process." | Participant 2021
  • "The complete process was exceptional." | Participant 2022

What have people said in response to the insights shared?

We invite you to read examples of what the insights have meant to people - these de-identified messages are featured in the 'Dear Participants' collection.

Thankyou to participants who shared their insights

We would like to thank each and every person who has reached out to Insight Exchange, talked with Insight Exchange, published their insights with and through Insight Exchange. The generosity to share your lived expertise of violence and abuse continues to inform and strengthen social, service and systemic responses to domestic, family and sexualised violence.

We acknowledge that whilst our best hopes are that participation in Insight Exchange is positive, we cannot assume to know or measure all that participation may mean to someone at the time or over time. We also acknowledge that despite our best efforts to assemble with a participant a more accurate representation of some of their experiences, we can never fully understand all that their experiences of violence mean to them now or through their life.  We understand that no one’s life experience can ever be fully represented in language or any other form.

Engagement: We invite you to read more about how people, teams and organisations are engaging with the insights and materials in the 'Engagement Report'.

Explore more on Insight Exchange

  • In the 'listening' menu you can explore the lived experience insights.
  • In the 'exploring' menu you can view and read animations and resources informed by lived experience insights. 
  • In the 'responding' menu you can view and read about resources and initiatives designed to uplift responses across the ecosystem.
  • In the 'learning' menu you can view and read resources designed to build on understanding of violence and abuse.