My Safety Kit


My Safety Kit is a reflection resource designed to support people who are, or may be, experiencing domestic, family and sexualised violence.

My Safety Kit is designed to support you – at your pace, at your lead - with information and reflection questions about how you see things and what you might be thinking about as you look ahead… It includes reflection questions about your safety and wellbeing.

View, share and embed - An introduction to My Safety Kit for people reflecting on their relationships (2.4mins)

View, share and embed - An introduction to the My Safety Kit decision-making tool (3.5 mins)

My Safety Kit (Booklet)

Lived experience insights

These de-identified lived experience insights of violence and abuse, explore what a person is having to do, or not do, to stay safe and well in the context of their relationship.

Their experiences, insights and reflections, are mapped against questions and focus areas explored in the Insight Exchange My Safety Kit resource, including across areas of wellbeing - material basics/economic wellbeing, love and connection, participation, learning, physical and mental health, and safety.

Sam - Lived experience insights

Alex - Lived experience insights