Strategy and Engagement


Questions about and responses to Insight Exchange are always welcome across the year. Explore more about how to share responses or use the contact us page.


The Strategic Framework (2025 – 2030) sets the context, stance, priorities and initiatives of Insight Exchange.

Insight Exchange has been conceptualised, established and creatively evolved through the collective generosity of many people. This generosity informs and enables the next chapter of work to stand against violence and abuse, and to support individual and community safety, dignity and justice.

Click on the cover tile below to open the Strategic Framework 2025-2030 in full screen.


'Engagement Reporting' is designed to share with participants and the public a picture of responses to the lived experience insights and materials. Engagement Reporting is published each financial year providing a snapshot of engagement. The reporting includes a hybrid of quantitative and qualitative data as well as lifetime and financial year analysis. We acknowledge that engagement cannot be fully quantified in volume (through sharing forward) or in value (what the insights fully mean to people).

Click on the cover tile below to open the Engagement Reporting (Mid-Y2425) in full screen.


Strategic Framework

Earlier versions of the Strategic Framework (2021-2024) are replaced by this document.

Engagement Reports