Voices of Experience

Voices of experience


Voices of Experience are written insights and reflections from people with lived experience of domestic, family and sexualised violence and other adversities.

The participants are the authors of the written insight, and in some pieces, the Insight Exchange team have inserted content from the Follow My Lead resource as headings to help orientate the reader and to build understanding of the lived experience of violence.

My Safety Kit Sam Lived Experience Insights PDF Cover

Sam - Lived experience insights

My Safety Kit Alex Lived Experience Insights PDF Cover

Alex - Lived experience insights

Our thanks every person who has generously shared lived expertise of violence and abuse to inform and strengthen social, service and systemic responses. We acknowledge that we can never fully understand all that the experiences mean to a person now or through their life.  We understand that no one’s life experience can ever be fully represented in language or any other form.


Exploring insights from more voices.

The following links are to external websites.

Now you have heard us, what will you do? Young people’s experiences of domestic and family violence - Over six months the ACT Children and Young People Commissioner and the Family Safety Hub listened to the voices of 70 young Canberrans, 35 of whom had experienced family violence. This document shares their insights. Read more about the project on the ACT Community Services Safer Families Family Safety Hub.

Breaking Silent Codes - A movement of Aboriginal, Torres Strait and Pacific Island women that gives voice to the ways in which community, religion, authority and family create silences around sexualised assault and family violence. The original forum was sponsored and hosted by UNSW Arts and Social Sciences, Women’s Legal Service NSW and the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence.

Crossing the Line – An exhibition and report which shares the lived experience of sexual violence among trans women of colour from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Australia. The project was funded by ANROWs and conducted by researchers based in the Translational Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University.

In My Voice  - "In My voice is a set of vignettes (short video clips) that tell the stories of Domestic & Family Violence (DFV) in different migrant communities. These stories are told by Supporting U women leaders, who describe the struggles faced helping women with DFV from their communities." (Settlement Services International (SSI))

Saving FACE - 'Faith and Cultural Empowerment - A guide for reframing the way forward. A framework that centres faith as a tool to empower communities and individuals to prevent violence against women and children.' (Muslim Women Australia)

Stanley on the Shoulders of Giants

Copyright © 2021 by Shelly Dean (Bonnah), Kalie Mcintosh, Cathy Richardson.

Stanley on the Shoulders of Giants  is a children’s book developed by a group of professionals who have worked in the field of domestic violence for many years, and have specialized in understanding how children respond to and resist violence. The book is written for

  • Children who have experienced violence
  • Parents who are helping their children
  • Professionals who work for children
  • People who have perpetrated violence who are interested in understanding children’s experience of violence. It is a book for those who care about creating safety, including freedom from fear, for all children.

Additionally, the book provides reflection questions to engage individuals in conversation about family violence and abuse.

This project was generously funded by the Women and Gender Equality Canada. Collaborating organisations include Centre for Response Based Practice and Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter.