Responders Lab


The Responders Lab is a free (donated) interactive opportunity with peers. It is designed to support you in exploring and building on your understanding of domestic, family and sexualised violence, and how this influences what you might notice, think or do in your responses.

Each of us are part of communities, dependent on others, friends to many and family to someone.  Every response matters. The Responders Lab is for anyone - friends, family, colleagues, neighbours, community peers, institutions, organisations, services, businesses and community groups.

An invitation - View, share or embed the invitation to the Responders Lab (80sec)

"The demands in our lives are many – studying, working, caring and more. And our days fill with so much to do and so much to care about. Is it too noisy to think? To think about our responses to violence and abuse? Too little space to think or permission to pause? ‘Time’ to think is one thing. ‘Room’ to think is another.

When it comes to violence and abuse, thinking about our responses is important, intentional and essential. Every role. Every Service. Every industry.

We invite you to pause with others at the Responders Lab. Making room to think about your responses. Making space to think with others. At the Responders Lab we explore: ‘Our Interactions’, ‘Our Responses’ , ‘My Ecosystem’  and ‘Follow My Meaning’ .

We invite you to participate in the Responders Lab from wherever you are. Any role. Any Service. Any industry. A free (donated) opportunity. Being. Reflecting. Responding."


The content (outlined below) has been developed with local and international input. It has been shaped by listening to lived and learned expertise about responses to violence and abuse. You will have the opportunity to: (a) reflect and exchange insights by drawing on your own thinking and contextual expertise, (b) critically thinking about your assumptions, observations, actions, and inactions as a responder and (c) reflect on what these insights (content & conversations) reveal to you and your peers.

A1 Our Interactions


Our interactions always matter, and our dignity is always central.

A2 OurResponses


We cannot guess or assume when responding to violence and abuse.

A3 My Ecosystem Matters


Respond with me in the centre of my ecosystem.

A4 Follow My Meaning


Follow me in what my world means to me.


There are 3 ways to participate in the Responders Lab. All options are free (donated). Please view the invitation animation (above) before exploring and selecting from the participation options.

Option 1 - Group

A virtual facilitated session (2hrs) for a group

(minimum 10 people & maximum 30* people)


Option 2 - Individual

Cross-sector scholarship (1 day in-person + 4  x 2hr virtual)

 Mexico City Nov 2024 OR Adelaide May 2025


Option 3 - Anyone

Self-service viewing and sharing the content.

Independently view and/or share the Responders Lab content.

Option 3 is estimated to open in March 2025.


The tiles below share a picture of the participation of groups/teams in the 2hr virtual sessions. Available session options in Feb - April 2025 are outlined in the booking form above.

The participants in the Responders Lab Mexico (In-person cross-sector scholarship - Mexico City) participated as themselves. In their day to day lives they work in varied roles listed in the lightbox of responders insights and responses (lower on page).


Value: The anticipated value of the Responders Lab is outlined below. Building on my understanding & Uplifting my responses.

Building on my understanding

For example:

“I didn’t know what I didn’t know. And the difference that would make to where I see myself and others in the picture.”

“I understand more about the significance of my responses, even if I never fully know the impact, or when there is no immediately obvious impact.”

“I am more aware of and actively considering in my responses that we don’t all share the same power, resources, and safety.”

“I now understand my responses are ongoing and that my responses don’t start when someone tells me something, and my responses don’t stop when a direct interaction ends.”

“I know I am not alone in sometimes being uncertain and unclear as a responder, and that not operating from assumptions is important for building on safety.”

Uplifting my responses

For example:

“I realise now I had more ‘knowledge’ than ‘understanding’. This understanding has changed what I notice, what I ask about, how I ask, and if and how I create and use information.”

“I am more aware of how language (words and visuals) shape what gets noticed, valued, dismissed or minimised.”

“I am more attuned to the possible impact of the words I hear and use, and the information and records I create.  i.e. What is recorded or shared, who sees this, who doesn’t, how this is used, and how far this travels.”

“I am more active in self-checking that my assumptions, observations, actions, and inactions, support safety, dignity and justice.”

“I notice, value and take seriously what is shared with me, what I am trusted with. I am more aware of and ok with the importance of silences.”

 “I understand that many details may be revealed to me or protected from my view, and that this is part of ongoing considerations of safety, dignity and context.”


Responders insights & responses (Virtual 2hr)

Explore de-identified examples of insights and responses from participants involved in Responder Lab (2hr virtual) sessions. Click on any of the tiles to open in full size.

Responders insights & responses (In-person - Mexico)

Explore de-identified examples of insights and responses from participants involved in Responder Lab Mexico. (Venue: Museum of Memory & Tolerance – Mexico City).  Click on any of the tiles to open in full size.